Wednesday, December 4, 2013

LIFE Topic # 3: The "Worry" Gene

I have always being a very aware person. For some reason, I notice everything around me even when I am not trying to pay attention. It's odd because one of the stories my mom used to tell about me was how absent minded I was when I was a baby. I was so distracted that when I was 3-yrs old she took me to a therapist to see what was wrong with me. They did a psychometric test on me and she told my mom not to "worry" about it.

Funny, how we worry about everything. If there's a character trait I would definitely adjust in myself, it'd have to be the "worry" gene. I call it like that because one of my supervisors once told me that I had it. He said to me "you have the "worry" gene. You worry about everything and 90% of the time those things you worry about never happen and the other 10%, have a solution". 

I often think about it. I have read and still read so many books about this topic. I want to understand where this excessive worry comes from.  I think all of my immediate relatives got it too. It's a well-discussed topic in family reunions.  I have to say though that there's an upside to this behavior. People like us are usually very good planners, extremely responsible, well organized, great problem-solvers, and very aware of other people's needs. Those are all great character traits that everyone around us benefits from. 

I can sit down here and make a great case on how worrying makes you more responsible and makes your life better but I can also tell how much impact it has had on my physical, emotional, and spiritual health. After all of these years trying to be the "perfect" student, the "perfect" employee, and the perfect "everything", I have realized that trying to have the "perfect" life is a waste of time. It's like a never-ending marathon. The more you run towards the goal, the more the finish line moves away from you.

What's the point then? Why do we have the need to have everything perfect so that we can have fun and enjoy life? Why do we obsess about having the house clean before going out?  I have come to realize that if we engage in this type of behavior, what seems perfect today won’t seem as perfect tomorrow. There's always somebody that is better at what we do. There's always an unplanned event that occurs and makes our "perfect plan" not work. When that happens, we can't enjoy ourselves and even worse, we make the people around us feel guilty if they try to enjoy themselves. Why? Because we need them to feel as bad as we feel.

 So, how can we keep the benefits of having the worry gene and minimize the disadvantages? This is something I work on every day but that I am mastering more and more as time goes by. I try to use my "awareness" to fight my brain and my behavior (what I can control)  instead of using it to fight external things (what I can't control).

I try not to create a "mental story" (phrase used by one of my relatives that has the "worry" gene) and just play along with it. When this happens I ask myself if it was done on purpose. That way I don't take it personal.  My first reaction is usually to take it personal and making it about me when most of the times people don't even realize the effects of their actions.

The second thing I try to do is to take a moment to let my frustration go so that my feelings don't get in the way (very difficult thing to do). Sometimes it requires a day or two before you can verbally articulate anything. Then, I just let it go and move on. Yes, move on. 

Don't get me wrong, I still plan and do my best and struggle with the worry and the expectations every day. However, I am really working on having joy in my life regardless of what the outcomes are. I tell myself all the time that I have to enjoy life, embrace the moment and go along with the present. I also tell myself that what others do is their responsibility. If I can help them, I will but if I can't, I won't feel guilty.

I try to enjoy the moment and be present. I try not to think about the past or worry too much about the future. I try to let my family enjoy what they are doing and not to plan things for them. I try to listen to what their plans are and respect them. I try not to intervene in everything I see. I try to enjoy silence and I try to lead by example rather than by words.

I am far away from my goal which is to have joy and express joy to everyone around me. I work on it every day and thank God and the universe for allowing me to understand the importance of this before it is too late. I hope that if you struggle with the "worry" gene, the same way I do, that you can learn how to stop worrying and start living!