Tuesday, April 1, 2014

MYSELF #4: Just a quick note about "Mi Abuela"

Today I was thinking of one my grandmothers ("mi abuela" in Spanish).

Sometimes I catch myself thinking that if "mi abuela" lived right now, she would be playing casino games on the Ipad and would be asking me to unlock more games for her. She would be spoiling my daughter and cooking all the yummy things she used to cook.

I can't help but also think about some of the funny things she did. If I had to mention some of those things, it'd go like this:

Coffee is good - "Mi abuela" made coffee all the time. She knew how everyone liked her coffee (black without sugar, ultra sweet,or with milk and foam). I grew up thinking that coffee was some kind of elixir because she was making it constantly (well, maybe that's why my love for it).  To me, coffee was the prelude to a Sobremesa. I always saw everyone gathering at the dining table to have coffee and talk. Loved it!

Shampoo and conditioner don't exist - She washed our hair with "Ivory" soap. "Ivory" soap was the only thing in the shower. For some reason I grew up thinking that it must have been the only FDA approved soap that we could use. I used "Ivory" soap until I left for college and discovered life. 

Fat and Carbs are good for you and make you happy - Fried pork chops, fried chicken, fried plantains, fried corn sticks, white rice with lots of oil so "pega'o" was made. Soda crackers and cheese. Mmmmm is all I can say. Happy...happy food!

All you need to look good is a pink-orange plastic bracelet - It didn't matter how many outfits "mi abuela" had, she always wore the same pink-orange plastic bracelet. She loved that bracelet. It was kind of cool actually. I wonder who has that bracelet now.

Learning how to drive meant "Can you take me to the bank and then to the casino?" - This is one is self-explanatory.

Everything is possible when you have a loving family - I will never forget that I was able to pay for my dorm in college thanks to her who gathered my family and convinced them to pitch in every month to pay for it.

Love can conquer all - this is what I recall about her the most. No matter what....no matter who... no matter where...love is always first.
Thank you abuela!