The word "Sobremesa" is used in Spanish to describe that time that you spend talking with your family or friends at the dining table after finishing dinner. 

I always saw my mom, my aunts, and some of their friends having a "sobremesa"; especially on Sundays at my grandmother's house when all the family gathered for lunch. It was always a good time. I learned that having an opinion and expressing it was really important in life. 

In the section called "MYSELF", some of the posts will relate to things I like. There's a couple of blog posts about coffee. I love "coffee". In the Hispanic culture, coffee is seen as an excuse to pause. You start the day with a cup of coffee (or two) and then, around 3 o' clock, you have to have  the afternoon break (of course, drinking coffee). If you are spending time with a friend or relative, having a cup of coffee is the best way to enjoy the conversation. I love everything about coffee. 

I will also talk about books. I love reading and books have been really important in my development as a person and as a professional. For me, reading books is like going to therapy but without rushing or paying huge amounts of money. I will share my favorite books and authors with you.

Another part of the equation in my life is "WORK". I have been in the professional life for over 23 years. I've worked for many industries, private and public. I have always worked out of my comfort zone. Supervisors have pushed me into trying things that I would have never done on my own. I am going to share my experiences, what I've learned, and funny, sad, and happy moments in my career.

Last but not least, I will talk about "LIFE". You'll learn more about my perspective in "LIFE". Yes, I am the most complex person I've ever known. I am very technical for certain things and an existentialist for others. I am an introvert, yet a "people's" person. I love the city; however, the mountains make feel at peace and connected with myself. I apply industrial engineering concepts to everything in life but my passion is writing. I love a nice pencil skirt with high heels and I love a hippie look as well. This duality shows in everything I do and sometimes it is a blessing but other times it could be a challenge. I do not pretend to convince you of anything; just to give you my perspective.  

My objective with this blog is to share these three passions that I have through my experiences with each one of them. Hope you enjoy this journey with me!

1 comment:

  1. BuenĂ­simo! Estaba esperando tu regreso!
