Thursday, November 6, 2014

"Focusing on the positive"

 "Focusing on the positive" is easier said than done. I do not know if it's me but lately, everywhere I go or everything that I come across with on social media or at the bookstore, seems to have a message related to this. It's always related to how we need to create or  think of what we want for it to materialize in our lives. 

Don't get me wrong, I believe in this but frankly it is easier said than done. I come from a very realistic, "feet on the ground" upbringing. I was raised believing that if you want something, you need to work for it; otherwise, it will not become a reality. I was raised thinking that you need to deserve things and earn things. But what happens when you start working and working and sometimes things do not happen to you. 

Sometimes, you see lazy people, liars, and cheaters getting away with it. Hmmm, so...then, what is wrong with the "working and working" philosophy? What's wrong with the "do good things and good things will come to you? To tell you the truth after reading and struggling to apply concepts discussed on lots of books that I've read about spirituality, secrets, and living my best life, I've come to realize that we definitely have the power to turn a negative thought into a positive one; however, it takes a lot of determination and perseverance to see even a glimpse of  a positive outcome.

Every day I start the day meditating on God and giving thanks for what He has done for me. I have to admit that if it wasn't for Him (that invisible and untouchable force that we ALL feel inside ourselves), I'd have become an extremely negative and sour person. A person full of self-pity, resentment, and paralyzed by fear. I grew up with a lot of insecurities that still to this day are triggered by certain situations but that I have certainly learned how to manage.

 By forcing myself to think positive and turn those fears and angry feelings into more positive ones, I have been able to forgive, to help those who have hurt me, to look past injustice, to go on after disappointments, to keep dreaming about a better future, to learn how to be content with or without money, to adapt to impromptu changes, and to love and accept myself.

It's not an easy task and it's extremely difficult to conquer. We are surrounded by so many people and situations that bring negativity to our lives. Unless you are the Dalai Lama, who can go and live in the Tibet, we need to face the world. There is lack of resources, health issues, stress at work or at home, just to name a few of those things that make us feel powerless. I have experienced in the past driving back from work and I feel like driving to "Never Found Land".

After so many years of being determined to think and act on a more positive way, I have come to identify certain things that I can do to make my life a happier one. I will share these things that have worked for me and that I work on continuously. Here they are:

  1. Give thanks to God, the Universe, Mother Nature for being YOU. You are unique and wonderful. 
  2. Thank everyone that help you. Be nice to others even if they don't understand why you are being nice to them.
  3. Remember every day all the progress you have made in life.
  4. Meditate on the good people that you have in your life (family, friends, colleagues). Those who really value you and make you feel good about yourself.
  5. A "failure" (or something that didn't happen they way you expected) is another learning experience to become a better "you", 
  6. Take risks. Life is full of beautiful moments, opportunities, countries, cultures. Why would you live your life in a place that makes you feel miserable, in a job that doesn't allow you to do what you want, surrounded by people that don't value you. Get up and try something new.... you will be surprised of how easy it is to step outside of the box.
  7. Put on music in the car, at the office, while working out; music makes all of us feel better. Listen to those old songs that made you smile and dance. 
  8. Treat yourself with good food. Food that makes you feel energized and healthy.
  9. Look at your husband/wife and children.  Wonder how many happy times you've spent together. How blessed you are that life gave them to YOU, 
  10. When you fall down, when you get angry, when you feel sad..... experience those emotions to the maximum. Let it go and get up on your feet again. Go back to No. 1 and ENJOY your life.
Many blessings!